Today was our last official day as gymnastic volunteers. The atmosphere was kind of like those end-of-the-year grade school parties where people are in good moods. We showed up around noon and prepared to go to the press tribune. The Gymnastics Gala was the only event scheduled today. The stadium was transformed into a showcase stage with black lights and Chinese architecture. The show was spectacular and included Beijing Olympic medalists and Chinese acrobats. It was basically a "review" of the past two weeks. After the show, we headed down to the floor and got pictures standing with the apparatuses! It was SO cool to be on the floor. However, it was bittersweet because workers were already taking down the stage in preparation for the handball events that would take place soon. As we gathered our stuff in the ONS office, you couldn't help but get sad. The bare room had been our home for the past month. It didn't seem like it had been that long, but like Sally said, once the Games start things go really fast. In true ONS tradition, the managers and sports information specialists clapped as we left the office. It was an emotional day, but not the end. Tomorrow is a brand new day starting early at 9AM: same venue but different sport and job. I'll be working in the press tribune directing journalists. It's going to be weird, though. I'll be wanting to walk over to the ONS office, but a new group is taking over the flash quote reporting. I'm looking forward to a new day and new job!
We can sense how bitter sweet it must be as the gymnastics closes down, and soon the Olympics all together. But you have memories of a lifetime. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Nice job!!
Love from us,
Good luck with the handball work!
Great work-it's been much fun reading the reports. Many thanks! Maybe you can do the same with the upcoming presidential conventions?
Mrs. Mason, mom of Alex-Harrison Band
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