I find myself buying a lot of things. I can't believe the things I have to do before I head out. It's not only buying medicine and odds and ends, but making sure things are taken care of while I'm away.
I met with the head anchor from WTHR (NBC) in Indianapolis, Anne Marie Tiernon. She is also heading to Beijing this summer for the games and will be working for NBC NewsChannel - the "wires" for NBC. I've been talking with her to try and set up some time to meet up while in China. As luck would have it, she was on a shoot the day I went down and was interviewing two possible athletes for the women's gymnastic team!
NBC headquarters are not in the International Broadcasting Center, but at another convention center location. This will include NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams and The Today Show.
On the medical front, I think I'm up-to-date with shots and bought Sipro for possible stomach problems. The anchor from Indy also said it was important to bring medicine in unopened containers or it may be confiscated.
A few ends to tie and we should all be ready!