Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day Two - Wrap Up

Hey Everyone!

It has been a busy day!  After breakfast we had our orientation to discuss odds and ends to getting acclimated to China.  We were each given cell phones to stay in contact with each other and friends and family back home.  It was quite a sight to see everyone hunching over small cell phones putting in each other's number.  We also met with our venue leaders (gymnastics) and they gave us a rundown of the days ahead.  It looks like the action really picks up July 15.  As Sarah said, next was the long-anticipated Olympic uniform try on.  We were sent to a small room with sets of clothing in different sizes for try.  
News media were there and swarmed into the rooms as we changed.  As a journalist myself, I know how hard it is to ignore the camera - but this was awkward.  
I'm not used to having a camera trained on me as I pull on a pair of pants.

We later went to lunch at a nearby cafeteria labeled "The Canteen".  Yet another adventurous dive into local cuisine!  The rest of the afternoon was spent in lecture given by a Renmin professor.  It was basically a history of the ties with Renmin and the University of Missouri.

I am still not on cycle with the time here and ended up taking an hour nap before our planned mixer at an adjacent hotel.  It was nice to mingle with people - Renmin students and professors along with our own group.  Here's a little tour of the sights a la Today Show with Lynette, Sarah and myself.  First, though, is a sample of the translating that took place today during our lecture.


Eileen A said...

Very handsome- however- it looks a little dorky- great video clip! The Chinese woman speaks excellent English, almost accent free- impressive! Loved the description of the food and what a cool gift. Eileen A

Unknown said...

Ted. It was so nice to see you on the video. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I know you'll make the most of it. You're in my prayers and thoughts.
Your friend,
Mike Engle