Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 2 - Surviving the Night

Hey Everyone!

Still here after the first night!  Things have been going well since we arrived.  I'm still adjusting to the time difference.  I found myself waking up at weird times last night like 2AM and 4AM, but feel well rested today.  Last night, we went out to a cafeteria style restaurant via a circuitous route throughout campus.  Oh well, you have to be flexible!  Anyway, we got to see a lot of the campus.  I enjoyed my first meal in China - steamed dumplings and fried rice with peppers.  It was wonderful!  The best part: it cost a total of $2.

Our hotel room is air conditioned which is a relief.  Now, the sun is streaming through the eastern-facing window this Thursday morning.  The excitement over the lost power died down and it looks like we'll be able to use electric appliances - for now.  There's a little shop Ernie (or coordinator) showed us last night where we could go for breakfast - something like "The Coffee Shop" which has an English menu!

I'm interested to see how many times a Chinese person will come up to me assuming I speak their language.  Unfortunately,  I've already started counting.  When I bought my lunch in the Chicago airport, the cashier was, I think, mumbling something to me in Chinese.  Also, on the flip side, I've been practicing my Chinese - or what I think is Chinese.  For the most part, I can say the few phrases I was taught back home.  But sometimes I'll say something as easy as "What's your name?" and I'll get a weird look.  Just last night I introduced myself to one of the Renmin volunteers.  I asked her name, she looked confused.  I asked again and she still didn't understand.  I finally broke down and just asked in English.  Without missing a beat, she said her name was Ese in English.  I think I have some work to do.

Why I'm glad I'm not driving in China: Here's a scary clip of our bus coming from the airport having just missed the exit.  The bus begins to back up on the freeway as we hope no cars crash into us from behind.


Unknown said...

Hi Ted!
Looking forward to following you on your China adventure! Good luck!

Shawna said...

Hi Ted!
I think your Chinese has improved a lot. At least I can understand it now. Keep working on it!
Have fun in NIS!