Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 37 [2 DAYS TO GO!!!!] - Podium Training

Hey Everyone!

Last night, Laura, Shawna and I went to the home of one of the professors from Renmin University.  A cultural exchange program, started by Renmin, allowed small groups of students to visit with the school's professors.  We took a cab to a large complex of apartment buildings.  His apartment, shared with his wife, 50 day-old girl, mother in law and father in law, had a great view.  We chatted for a bit and then headed to a nearby shopping district for dinner.  He took us to one of his favorite restaurants: a hot pot.  It was my first time to eat this type of food so I wasn't sure what to expect.  The server showed up with a huge pot - divided in the center with one side containing spicy broth and the other containing mild.  Then, she served different side dishes to place into the broths including lamb, beef, seaweed, root, mushroom and bamboo.  It was really good and I tried most of everything!  
The bamboo tasted the most exotic leaving a tangy sensation.  The lamb was my favorite.  The meal was wonderful and it was great to talk with a Chinese professor.  He teaches economics at the college and it was interesting to hear a Chinese perspective of world economics.
Today, we had podium training at the NIS - the men's gymnastics groups were training on the different apparatuses in the main arena.  We got to watch them try out the different apparatuses.  After the different teams rotated around the arena, they all went through the mixed zone and we got to interview them.  I got to interview two Canadian hot shots along with the Canadian press.  It was a media circus, but it was a lot of fun and a great experience.  I can't wait to start working in the broadcast mixed zone with NBC!  We got done with work around 11PM...and started that morning at 9AM!!  Long day, but exciting and a preview of the days to come!  I can't believe we are only two days away.  I can still remember when the countdown timer read 45 days.  Now, we're just about to start.  Once the 8th hits, I'll be soaking in as much Olympic mania I can get!

I even got to take a picture with one of the ladies that carry the flags for the parade of nations!  Watch for them on the 8th!



Eileen A said...

hot pot, eh? great idea.... so glad you're trying new foods. I can't imagine how many exclamation points there'll be tomorrow!!!!!

Barbara Welch said...

Hi Ted... I have been reading your blog every day and I also am so excited for the opening ceremonies! Your promotional video is so professional and well done. You guys are doing a great job!
Barb W.

Unknown said...

I am JoAnn Lee in Boca Raton Florida! Your video editing was extremely professional! I am blown away! Your entire team looks like you are have a great time and using great experiences for your blogging. Keep up the good work!

P.S. I'm Jen Reeves' MOM! But that doesn't mean I'm not impressed because I am!!! Enjoy your time and exciting experiences!

Willyboy said...

Any sign of protesting or dissidents? Would ike to hear morea bout what the prefessor had to say. Did his family accompany you all when you went out to dinner?
What do you talk about with the Chinese you meet, especially the students?
Keep the info coming. We are not as excited as you are Ted, but we are very much looking forward to Friday and the start of the Games!! Thanks for keeping us well informed.

Mary Mason said...

Hi Ted! We are all so proud of you - back here in WLafayette! We'll be watching for you! M Mason-Alex's mom